Project Funding


Avantulo Finance is the leading financial advisor in the organization of financing, refinancing and restructuring, financial modeling, evaluation of investment projects and strategic consulting. Avantulo Finance Project Financing Team is specialized in the area of financing having many years of experience gathered in banks’ departments of transaction structuring, arranging financing for companies, project financing, corporate finance advisory and financial modeling. Due to the acquired knowledge and experience, Avantulo Finance Project Financing Team will be the right partner for you, ensuring successful project execution for all parties involved and help raise project finance capital by providing direct access to reliable investors and financiers.

Avantulo Finance provides project owners / sponsors / promoters much needed project financing solutions and necessary support to raise capital for their projects through their developmental and operational stages. For both greenfield as well as brownfield projects, Avantulo Finance is the essential gateway to project experts, investors and financiers. We have been at the forefront of several project financing transactions across various sectors of the economy around the globe.

Our project financing services have benefitted projects not only in their inception stages but also startups, shovel-ready projects, green-shoot projects. We have the means as well as the necessary expertise to approach numerous Banks, Investment Bankers, Non Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs), Financial Institutions (FIs), Venture Capitalists (VCs), Private Equity Investors (PE), Ultra High Net Worth Individuals (UHNWIs), Family Businesses, Hedge Funds, Pension Funds, Underwriters, Insurance Providers, etc. with great speed and efficiency. We understand how these fund providers and investors work and what are their main areas of interest. Targeting the right source is not just important but also crucial for achieving successful financial close. .

Avantulo Finance Project Finance Team offers:

1. Identification of projects with a Cash Flows Generating component and bankability potential;
2. Support of project development to achieve bankability;
3. Preparation and structure of transaction by leveraging our consulting, financial and legal expertise;
4. Finding the right investor and achieving financial close;
5. Support to the client through the project execution and construction phases.

We can be present with our services across the entire project lifecycle:

Strategy and planning: Assisting long-term planning of individual projects or a portfolio by focusing on feasibility, alignment with corporate objectives and governance procedures in order to maximize return on investment.
Financing and procurement: Raising project finance; establishing and managing the procurement process to acquire services, material or equipment to deliver the project, and prioritizing capital allocation between projects.
Project organization, execution and construction: Setting up the project for success and strengthening client capabilities to deliver on time and to budget.
Operations and maintenance: Assessing ongoing lifecycle costs and providing insights around optimizing the performance and value of assets in operation.
Asset recycling, concession maturity & decommissioning: Determining when and how to discontinue investing in an asset, and transaction advisory services for investors in infrastructure assets.

Our Project Financing services include:

Advisory on arranging new financing and refinancing, restructuring of existing debt both in the banking and debt capital markets, including credits, loans and debt securities issues, eg. in conjunction with:

  1. The need to obtain additional financing for new projects or new business strategy
  2. The need to obtain financing for the acquisition of another entity
  3. The need to diversify funding sources
  4. The need / wish to refinance existing obligations in order to obtain more favorable terms
  5. The deteriorating financial situation of the company, resulting in lowering the credit rating and violation of financial ratios;

Strategic consulting, including the preparation of business strategies, business restructuring plans, verification of investment and acquisition plans, identification of potential areas for efficiency improvements, resulting inter alia from:

  1. Formation of a new group or change in existing group, eg. as a result of acquisitions
  2. Development of the company by entering new markets / introducing new products
  3. The deteriorating financial situation and the need to redefine strategies, to allow the continued operation of the company / group;

Preparation of business plans, feasibility studies, analyzes of the economic efficiency of investment projects, eg. in conjunction with:

  1. The necessity of arriving by a company’s authorities at a decision regarding realization of a new project
  2. The necessity to make an investment decision by an investor intending financial involvement in the project
  3. The necessity to make a decision regarding the economic viability of the implementation of the investment project (benefits, obstacles, estimation of the required resources, including financial ones), etc.

Preparing financial models and conducting independent reviews of financial models, in order to inter alia:

  1. Obtain financing and determine the optimal financing structure of the company / group
  2. Determine the effects of the investment project / revised strategy
  3. Review internal cohesion, mathematical accuracy and methodological compliance of the model
  4. Overview of the assumptions adopted in the model, in terms of their consistency and compliance with formulas, assumptions or provisions adopted in the project agreements;

Step By Step Funding

  1. The client shares the Project Feasibility Report (FSR), Detailed Project Report (DPR) / Business Plan and Project Financial Modelling Workbook with us and after reviewing, we send to the client our PROJECT FINANCE SERVICES TERMS AND CONDITIONS (T&C).
  2. Once the client accepts our T&C, he signs and returns it to us. We then send the “CLIENT AGREEMENT” draft to be filled, signed, notarized and returned to us.
  3. We send a copy of the executed copy of the CLIENT AGREEMENT duly countersigned by us.
  4. The client then fills up the PROJECT FINANCE LOAN APPLICATION FORM online by paying our Engagement Fee of US$ 11,800.00 and submits this form with all necessary information and documentation required in the application form.
  5. Once we receive the above, we send the client the First Evaluation Report of the project. Depending on the evaluation report, the client might be required to furnish additional information relating to his company and his project(s). If the Business Plan submitted by the client falls short of the industry standard, our team will assist the client by suggesting how to bring it to a standard widely accepted by project lenders/ investors. This assistance, however, is provided at an extra cost to the client and such cost is specific to the project.
  6. Next will be a round of video conferencing between the client and our expert project finance team to finalize the submissions to actual project lenders/investors.
  7. Once project lenders / investors firm up, a Term Sheet will be released based on the submission of the Business Plan. Term Sheets are project specific and hence there is no general format.
  8. Upon acceptance of the Term Sheet by the client, a due diligence will be conducted by the project lenders/investors at their own costs (Please note, a big loan/investment size cannot be fulfilled by a single lending/ investment source alone. There will be multiple project lenders/ investors involved and we might undertake a Loan / Equity syndication process at an additional cost to the client)
  9. Upon successful due diligence, the client will enter into the Joint Venture or Loan Agreement(s) with individual lender(s) / Investor(s).
  10. Joint Venture Company formation or Loan disbursal will ensue as per the JV/ Loan Agreements signed between parties.

Important To Note:

  1. We quickly respond to all inquiries.
  2. We do not delegate executive time to an inquiry until your project, as expressed in your fully completed Project Finance Application form, has been thoroughly evaluated by our analysts.
  3. To ensure our executives do not waste time on unrealistic inquiries we do not enter discussions in any form until we have a full understanding of your project’s potential and risks. We therefore do not offer meetings, hold telephone discussions or return telephone calls until we have thoroughly evaluated your project.
  4. Please do not send us additional communications during the application phase as it delays the application process.
  5. We do not finance projects valued at less than $5,000,000.00 (United States Dollars five million), we do not finance acquisitions and we don’t finance projects in countries mentioned in this Restricted Nations list
  6. All our official communications are in English. We do not offer a translation service.

Under the funding procedure, the Applicant may be asked to submit the following (but not limited to) documents relating to the project that is seeking project finance:

  1. Business Plan/ Pitch Deck
  2. Project Financial Structure + Legal Structure + Management Structure
  3. Revenue Model
  4. Cash Flow Projections for the next five to ten years
  5. SWOT Analysis of the project
  6. Risk Analysis & Mitigation details
  7. SPV/SPC(Special Purpose Company/Vehicle) Registration documents
  8. Federal and Local Government Departmental Clearances and Approval records
  9. Environmental Clearances
  10. Market Research Report
  11. Feasibility/ Techno-Economic Evaluation Report (DFS/FSR)
  12. Detailed Project Report (DPR)
  13. Off Taker Agreements/ Contracts /PPAs
  14. Procurement Agreements / Contracts supported by Equipment specs and Proforma Invoices
  15. EPC Agreements / Contracts (with companies that will construct the project infrastructure)
  16. Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Agreements / Contracts
  17. Debt Exposure Details
  18. Patents or Copyright certificates (If any)
  19. Project Land Status and records including ownership/lease records
  20. Legal Report (Establishing non-criminality)

Upon receipt of all the documents and information submitted by the applicant, a Funder would evaluate the project in greater detail. Generally an Appraisal meeting is convened where all the decision makers at the Funding Company officially review the project as presented to determine if the project is within their scope of funding. Subsequent to this meeting, a due diligence of the project is generally undertaken by the Project Funder(s)/ Investor(s) and the the Project Sponsors/Applicant pay(s) for the expenses involved in carrying out the due diligence. Such expenses are project specific .

Why Business Startup Consulting

The most useful time to seek professional business advice and support is before starting. A business startup consulting firm works directly with the client to identify the most critical first and next steps

Market Research

Business startup consultants work with clients to research in more depth the market, industry, competitors.

Planning Assistance

Startup consultants help clients with planning. Creating a plan to create the offering such as products, services.

Task Execution

Getting it done means execution of tasks. Startup consulting services help you execute necessary steps.

Business Growth

Consultants help startups with business growth. Creating marketing campaigns that produce results and sales.

We are a Full-Service Firm
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Pre-Paid Agreements
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We are a Full-Service Firm
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Let’s Collaborate!

Bonner Str. 490, 50968 Köln, Germany
Call Consulting: (234) 109-6666
Call Cooperate: 234) 244-8888

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Some frequently asked questions about the service that you may have questions about

    Who are your typical clients?
    We work with a variety of clients. We work with the heads of municipalities’ transportation planning, traffic engineering or economic development departments, and with mayors’ offices.
    What is the process for beginning a project?
    We work with a variety of clients. We work with the heads of municipalities’ transportation planning, traffic engineering or economic development departments, and with mayors’ offices.
    Can you help a client get funding?
    We work with a variety of clients. We work with the heads of municipalities’ transportation planning, traffic engineering or economic development departments, and with mayors’ offices.
    What if my project lies outside your team’s skillset?
    We work with a variety of clients. We work with the heads of municipalities’ transportation planning, traffic engineering or economic development departments, and with mayors’ offices.
    Will you tell me how to run my business?
    We work with a variety of clients. We work with the heads of municipalities’ transportation planning, traffic engineering or economic development departments, and with mayors’ offices.
    Are you a data controller or processor?
    We work with a variety of clients. We work with the heads of municipalities’ transportation planning, traffic engineering or economic development departments, and with mayors’ offices.

    Contact With Us!

    2220 Plymouth Rd #302, Hopkins, Minnesota(MN), 55305

    Call us: (234) 109-6666

    Mon – Sat: 8.00am – 18.00pm / Holiday : Closed